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Your Life. Your Story. Remembered.

Introducing LifeTales Memoirs

What do you really know about your parents? Your grandparents? What will your kids remember about them? About you?

LifeTales has made Memoir creation really easy and fun to do. No tedious planning, typing and organizing. No need to hire a writer at high cost.

Now you can use video, audio, pictures AND text to tell your story … from anywhere, at any time. Just minutes a week to build a lifetime of Stories.

Fun and engaging for the whole family.  And easy for all ages. This is certain to be a cherished family heirloom!

Create With Ease

Traditional memoirs are written — a very time-intensive process. With LifeTales, you use video, pictures, or even audio voiceovers describing the pictures.

Imagine your grandkids in 30 years being able to view their great grandparent talking about their life or hearing them tell a story about the pictures.

And yes, you can still type too, if you wish!

Easy story creation
Record a video selfie directly in-app in response to a question. Add photos and videos to any story to add color. Write captions for the photos. You can even add audio voiceovers.

Lots of flexibility and easy to do!
Pinpoint sharing controls
Your designated family and friends can view, comment, like and even add to each story.

You can also decide to share a read-only version of a story with anyone you wish.
All owned by you
Your memoir can be downloaded to your hard drive at the end of the year for permanent storage.

Or keep a private or public version online for easy access by others. Yours to choose.

No planning needed

No need to do a lot of research on how to write a Memoir or agonize over a grand plan — LifeTales is fluid and flexible! Stories can be created as they're remembered. Add tags and they end up in the right chapter, sorted by date! Want a new chapter you hadn't considered? It's easy to create them. There's no reason to wait — start a Memoir today!
iPhone image of stories from dad
iPhone image of stories from Grandma

Get Story Ideas

Every week, we send you ideas for stories. In addition,  your family will ask questions about things they want to know.

They can also add comments and likes to your stories. They all get preserved in your memoir for future generations to read and enjoy!

Use any device

Works on all devices. No need for anyone to download an app — it's all done in your browsers.
Image of Laptop, Tablet and mobile phone
Feature Snapshot

LifeTales Features

Tremendously Flexible
Use any combination of pictures, video, text or audio to create your story.

Add to any story over time. Or create many stories. Or both.

Easily reorder pages in a story at any time.
Pictures & Videos
Upload from your phone or computer. Add a Youtube or Vimeo video. Record video in app.

No limit to size or length.
Add voice, audio clips or audio files.

Add audio captions on pictures to share your color commentary!
Add captions to pictures or write full length stories.

Mix it up — use a combination of text, audio and video selfies to tell the story!
Stories are private by default
Share and preserve precious memories for you and your family in a way most of us will not do on public social media.
Stories are hosted securely on Amazon's cloud servers, archived in a private, safe environment.

All stories are downloadable to your hard drive at any time for further safekeeping.
All owned by you
Unlike social media platforms, you own all of your content, not us.
Easy collaboration
Collaborate on your stories with family — they often have content to add!

Easy for everyone to comment and add pictures and video.
Pinpoint sharing controls
All stories are auto-shared only with your group.

You can also choose to share individual stories with others (read-only).

You're in charge of who gets access.
Future: Share stories publicly
Have a story to share with the world? Or perhaps you'd like to share the entire memoir?

Show it on your very own public page
LifeTales Story Example

View a Real Memoir

Rubyn's family gave him a gift of a LifeTales memoir using our previous version of LifeTales.

It was not just a loving gift but was also a treasure for the entire family — a new and amazing family heirloom!

He agreed to share an excerpt.

This is an example of what you see when you download a memoir to your hard drive.

Broken Heart
View Rubyn's Memoir